poniedziałek, 23 maja 2016

The Bystrzyca Valley Landscape Park

Are you looking for a new adventure ? Or maybe you want to take a breath from your fast-paced life? You couldn’t choose better. There is no doubt that the commune of Kąty Wrocławskie offers a wide range of entertainment for each person including eco-friendly travelers. The fact that it’s located in the south- western part of the Dolnośląskie Province next to the international motorway A-4 heavily increases its attractiveness. This perfect localization (about 45 minutes from Wroclaw) brings in many tourists not only from Wroclaw, but also from other towns and villages located nearby.

The commune has over 17.000 thousands inhabitants living in the area of the 17.650 ha. For those who are keen on nature it’s wort mentioning that Katy Wrocławskie is located in the Bystrzyca Valley Landscape Park (8,570 ha). It was established on 27th October 1998 by the governor of Wroclaw to preserve its natural-, historical- and landscape-value. This park is particularly valuable because of the river called Bystrzyca, which flows through the park and the reservoir in Mietków. The lowland river Bystrzyca stands out especially due to loads of oxbow lakes, however the reservoir is the place where lots of birds found their home. The Bystrzyca Valley Landscape Park is considered one of the 12th landscape parks within the Lower Silesia Province. What’s more, it’s one of the youngest parks in this area. While walking through one of the forests in this park, you can see different sorts of trees ranging from hornbeams, ashes to small-leaved limes, pedunculate oaks.

One of the stately planes in the Lower Silesia grows in Sadowice. In Czereńczyce there is the avenue consisting of lindens and pedunculated oaks, which impresses with its circumference of about 612 cm ! However, in the village Sośnica there is a park in which rare trees like Pterocarya fraxinifolia and Montpellier Maple can be seen.

Are you interested in taking pictures of rarely occurring and protected species of flowers and other various vegetation you have only seen in books or on television? The Bystrzyca Valley Landscape Park enables you to admire their beauty with your own eyes.In this park you may see 18 endogenous species of flowers which are under protection, including snowdrops, lily of the valley, Muscari botryoides, guelder-rose and many other.The first plant is commonly known as a snowdrop and it’s associated with the coming of spring.It’s is classified to Polska Czerwona Ksiega Roślin as a plant which can become extinct.This flower grows especially in the mountains and the fact it is found on the lowland ts outstanding. Martagon lily attracts many insets with its smell. It’s wort mentioning that it is stately lily which is can be found in the wild. If you are walking in the forest, look for Muscari botryoides which draw your attention with blue flowers. Aren’t you surprised that this flower can be seen not only in the home gardens but also in the forest ? Have you ever heard of Lily of the valley which attracts many people with its smell ? It has small beautiful flowers which look like a bell. Please, be aware that this species is protected and it can be poisoning. In this area, next to river or small bodies of water you may encounter different species of nenuphars, for example yellow water-lilies or broad-leaved pondweed.While having a nice walk in the forest you may have a possibility to observe various species of mushrooms. The most-well known include: common stinkhorn, Meripilusgiganteus and Polyporus squamosus. Please have in your mind that they are protected.

Are you fond of animals ? The park is known as hotbed of birds and insects. It is estimated that there are about 188 species of birds in the area! To preserve them the project Obszar Natura 2000 whose name was “Zbiornik Mietkowski” was founded. The best-known species of birds living here are: Eurasian blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus), Common chaffinch (Fringilla coelebs), Great tit (Parus major), Wood nuthatch (Sitta europaea), Eurasian tree sparrow (Passer montanus) and Chiffchaff, (Phylloscopus collybita). In the area of this park you can come across not only common bird species but also the rare ones such as a black stork and northern shrike.What is more, valuable species of insects live in this park.

A large group of them consists of butterflies such as Old World swallowtail (Papilio machaon), Lesser PurpleEmperor (Apatura ilia) and many others.When it comes to mammals, there are large groups of form foks deers, beavers, beech marten and squirrels. There are also many representatives of reptiles and amphibia such as Common newt (Lissotriton vulgaris), Grass snake (Natrix natrix) and Common toad. The Bystrzyca river is a place where many fish live.

To sum up, the commune of Kąty Wrocławskie offers various possibilities of spending leisure time while enjoying the intact nature.The Bystrzyca Valley Landscape Park is a place where you can immerse yourself in the natural beauty of a breathtaking landscape which is at a stone's throw from Wrocław.

Please feel welcome !

  M. Smolarska

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