wtorek, 24 maja 2016

Magic Książ Castle

Książ Castle

If you would like to move in time to the castle which is full of splendor and it hides various dark secrets, Książ castle is right for you.! 

Książ castle is one of the largest castles in Poland and Europe. This is the third largest castle in Poland (after Malbork Castle and Wawel Royal Castle). The building is located within the Książ Landscape Park in lower Silesia. It is characterized by different styles of architecture . This charming place has more than 400 rooms. It was built on a steep rocky cliff at an altitude of 395 m above sea level. The castle is surrounded by deep forest valley.

The castle was built in 13th century by the prince Bolko I. It remained In the hands of the Piast princes until 1392.Then the castle passed under the rule of Czech monarchs and became the property of a knight. As a result of the hussite wars the castle was partly destroyed and became a hiding place for knights - robbers.
The king Wladyslaw Jagiello was the owner of the castle at the end of 15th century. Than the family Hochberg bought the residence. During the ongoing 30-year war in 17th century , the castle was some time destroyed and after the war it was rebuilt several times. Konrad Ernst Maximilian von Hochberg made significant changes. He transformed  the style of the castle. He changed it from the medieval seat to the baroque residence.
Hans Heinrich XI was the greatest figure in the history of the family. He held in his life a number of offices and dignity. He was a very important man. Thanks to him castle stopped to be divide between the heirs. The eldest son was the only hereditary lord.   During the reign of Hans Heinrich V was the strengthen of economy.  After him came  Hans Heinrich XV, whose wife was Mary Therese Olivia Cornwallis-West. She was known as the Duchess Daisy. They changed the appearance of the castle and it was the last time of change. They built new neo-renaissance wings and created a representative baroque elevation. In 1941, the castle was taken over by the German state and became the headquarters of a paramilitary organization 'Todt. "
At that time, the castle interiors were considerably devastated. Under the castle and courtyard  the works were carried out. Germans built a huge tunnels at a depth of approx. 50 m. When the  Red Army approached in 1945, the works were stopped and in the castle were stationed  the Russian army. It lasted until 1946.  Today the castle is owned by the commune Wałbrzych.


This is a basic tourist route, where tourist learns the history of the castle and its inhabitants. Tourists go through the Baroque salons: Living Green, representative Maximilian Hall, Salon White, Chinese Salon, Game Room and Salon Baroque.

 Sightseeing time: approx. 30 min.- guided tours is only by prior notification

Guided Tours in language Polish for individual travelers: normal ticket 27 zł, reduced ticket 20 zł
Guided Tours for foreign individual tourists: normal ticket 27 zł, reduced ticket 35 zł
Guided Eng for groups: normal ticket 23 zł, reduced ticket 16 zł
Guided foreign language * for groups: normal ticket 30 zł, reduced ticket 23 zł

II. TOUR "IN THE FOOTSTEPS Hochberg” + Palmiarnia

This route begins just as the route "Książ baroque", then tourists will learn the oldest rooms in the castle, which was rebuilt during World War II. Tourists can know  mysterious Nazi german project which was realized in the castle. The rest of the route runs through the halls of the castle: Hunter Hall Complex, Ballroom, Hall of Konrad Black courtyard.

Sightseeing time: approx. 50 min.-guided tours is only by prior notification

Guided Tours Eng: normal ticket 25 zł, reduced ticket 18 zł
Guided foreign language *: normal ticket 32 zł, reduced ticket 25 zł

Individual tour without a guide

Castle+ terraces  + Palm House: normal ticket 23 zł, reduced ticket 16 zł
Castle+ terraces + castle stables Palm House: normal ticket 28 zł, reduced ticket 19 zł
Terraces + Palm House: normal ticket 15 zł, reduced ticket 10 zł

Opening hours of the Castle to explore:

1of April to 30 of September:
Monday - Friday: 10: 00-17: 00
Saturday - Sunday: 10: 00-18: 00
1 of October to 1 of March:
Tuesday - Friday: 10: 00-15: 00

Saturday - Sunday: 10: 00-16: 00 

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