piątek, 30 września 2016

Bukowina Tatrzańska

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania bukowina tatrzanskaBukowina Tatrzańska is a commune that forms eight other villeges. These are: Białka Tatrzańska, Czarna Góra, Jurgów, Rzepiska, Groń, Leśnica, Brzeg and Bukowina Tatrzańska. It is located in southern part of Poland in Tatra mountains. It has a lot of Eco-touristic attractions especially for people who like winter sports for example skiing. It’s a perfect place for those who enjoy hiking or climbing.

                                            Thermal waters
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania wody termalne w bukowina tatrzanska

Thermal waters in Bukowina Tatrzańska is a complex of twelve big swimming pools, with six swimming pools located inside and six outside. Water has the temperature of 28 – 36 C and is extracted from up to 2400 m and there is about 28 rich minerals such as magnesium, calcium, sulfur, and sodium. These minerals are very important for healthy reasons. The thermal waters influence the skin and help cure rushes and skin infections. Another important benefit is the psychological factor. Spending time in thermal waters is very relaxing and allows people to forget about everyday problems and stress. That facts attracts tourists from all around Poland.

Extreme sports

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania bialka riverActivities Bukowina Tatrzańska offers tourists a lot of sport attractions. If you like extreme sports you can try rafting on the Białka River which is the only Alpine River in Poland. This breath taking experience will be unforgettable. However, if you are a fan of more traditional sports, Bukowina Tatrzańska provides you with the most beautiful hiking tracks and biking paths with the view on Tatra and Pieniny mountains.


                                                                       Equine-assisted therapy

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Equine-assisted therapyTourists interested in Equine-assisted therapy and those who love animals will be pleased with a huge choice of stud farms offering horse riding. It allows to have commerce with nature. This place offers peace and silence for those who want to rest and for a moment forget about reality. This attraction gives a lot of pleasure, esepecially when people admire the view of Tatra and Gorców mountains. The view from height provides tourists nicer look at beautiful nature than when we are walking. Horse riding in Bukowina Tatrzańska offers course for begginers, but there are also the riding rallies which allows to visit The Podhale and to have contact with nature. Horses are specially prepared to have contact with children, what provides attraction for whole family. Additionally it is located with the close border with Tatra National Park, where is very peaceful. This centre of horse riding also offers courses for people who are interested in this kind of sport no matter how old they are.

Famous folkloristic parties

In Bukowina Tatrzańska tourists also can take part in some folkloristic parties
such as: Sabałowe Bajania, Góralski Karnawał and Muzyczna Zohylina.
Of course it depends when tourists come to Bukowina Tatrzańska.

Sabałowe Bajania

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania sabalowe bajania
Sabałowe Bajania is celebrated in August. First time it was celebrated in 1967 and had only two competions: competition of instrumentalists and competition of long-winded story tellers. But with the years „Sabałowe Bajania” was changed. Nowadays in the programme of this party are: The competition of long-winded story-tellers, The competition of instrumentalists and The competition of singers. In this festival also tourists can watch theatrical performances or regional bands. This is one of the greatest folk parties in this part of Poland, where also people can see kermess, art of folk, photography exhibition and shooting competition. But the most interesting and popular attraction is Sabałowa Night. It takes place out-of-door in Termy Bukowiańskie. The most interesting information is that during this party men are called „Zbójniki” and women are called „Wierchowe Orlice” but only if they did something to continue tradition.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania goralski karnawalGóralski Karnaval

Góralski Karnawał is presented in February. This kind of party shows competitions of carolers from whole country and dance competition of robber.

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Muzyczna ZohylinaMuzyczna Zohylina

Muzyczna Zohylina is Open Meetings of Artistic. It is a festival organised in August by Foundation of Harcerstwo Polskie „Schronisko głodówka”. It exists since 2007 and two years later competition of Different Song was created.


In the commune of Bukowina Tatrzańska are some monuments. There are three churches. One of them is Jesus’ Holy Heart Church in Bukowina Tatrzańska. The Church was built by one man whose name was Jędrzej Kramarz. Each figure or decoration in this Church was made by him. He was self-educated.

Another Church in Białka Tatrzańska. It is a wooden Church in Białka Tatrzańska and was built by Jędrzej Topor and Jan Chlipalski. Interior of the Church is boroque and baroque-classicist. 

Next Church is called Saint Sebastian Church in Jurgów. It was built in XVIIth century. In the Church tourists can see famous, wooden sculpture from XVIIth century, which shows devil, who was defeated by Saint Michael the Archangel.

The Soltys farmhouse in Jurgow

Other type of monument is The Soltys farmhouse in Jurgów. This farmhouse was built in 1861. The Soltys farmhouse is an example of a poor farmhouse of Spisz region. In this farmhouse tourists can see how people were dressed. Nowadays, people get dressed traditional costumes during christmas.

                       The Korkosz farmhouse in Czarna Gora

It shows construction and folk culture od Spisz. Alojzy Chyżny started to build it and after his death his daughter Elizabeth with her husband Sebastian Korkosz continued expansion of this farmhouse. Now tourists can visit farmhouse of Spisz.

The commune of Bukowina Tatrzańska has a lot of Eco-touristic attractions to offer. It is a place, where everyone can find something what they like. People who like sport's attraction as well as people who prefer spending free time more calmly will not be bored. It does not matter when tourists come, because in each time of year each person finds something for itself.

piątek, 10 czerwca 2016

Barycz Valley Landscape Park

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Barycz Valley Landscape Park
is a Landscape Park located close to Wrocław, south-western part of Poland mostly in Lower Silesia . It has 870,4 square kilometres and it is covered by forests, lakes full of fish and flood-meadow. It was established on 3.06.1996. This Park is famous for its big number of fish ponds located near Milicz and Żmigród, which are called Milicz Ponds. Experts say that there are about 300 ponds, which is the biggest collection of fish ponds in Europe. It is also one of the most valuable ecosystems in Poland and Europe. The area of Barycz Valley contains Wydymacz, Radziądz, Olsztyny Niezgodzkie, Milicz Lakes, and Joanna Hill Nature reserves.

The beauty of Barycz Valley

Barycz Valley is one of the most beautiful natural areas of Poland. This ecosystem is dominated by big lakes surrounded by temperate broad-leaf forests.  The diversity of plants and animals can be encountered in this region. Here you can see some protected plants. For example:

         ·        Yellow and White water lily

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania white  water lily

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania Yellow  water lily

·         common hedgenettle 

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania common hedgenettleZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania common hedgenettle

·        common reed

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania common reed
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania common reed

·        Ivy

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania ivyZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania ivy 

·        Mezereon

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania mezereon 


 ·        wild geese

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania wild geese

·        cormorants

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania cormorants

·        mute, black, and white swans  

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania mute, black, and white swans 


·       great egrets


·        white and black stork

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania white and black stork 

·        European penduline tit

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania European penduline tit Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania European penduline tit

·        black-headed gull

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania black headed gull
Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania black headed gull

·        white-tailed eagle

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania white-tailed eagleZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania white-tailed eagle   

·        common buzzard

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania common buzzard       Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania common buzzard

·        northern lapwing

Znalezione obrazy dla zapytania northern lapwingZnalezione obrazy dla zapytania northern lapwing      

Bird which live in this region are a big attraction for ornithologists, birdwatchers and tourists. This is why Barycz Valley is often called The Bird Paradise.


Barycz Valley is extremely attractive for tourists. Each year it is visited by thousands of people from all over Europe. The various wildlife and beauty of Barycz forests is not the only attraction. In Milicz, tourists can visit magnificent ruins of medieval castle, churches, beautiful wooden houses and characteristic rural cottages. Tourists can also try delicious local cuisine especially carp and other types of fish. In the past Milicz was one of the biggest producers of carp in Europe so it is a perfect place for fish connoisseurs.

Małgorzata Bednarczyk